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  • Warning: : failed to open stream: Invalid argument in _registry_check_code() (line 3469 of D:\Accessibility_Web\pwd.maharashtra.gov.in\PWD\includes\bootstrap.inc).
  • Warning: include_once(): Failed opening 'D:\Accessibility_Web\pwd.maharashtra.gov.in\PWD/sites/all/modules/context/plugins/context_reaction_br�9���>`��nc' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\php\pear') in _registry_check_code() (line 3469 of D:\Accessibility_Web\pwd.maharashtra.gov.in\PWD\includes\bootstrap.inc).


What are the various subjects allocated to P.W.D.?
What is the structure of ‘Organization’ in P.W.D.?
1. How can I get permission & N. O. C.S. for various issues related to P.W.D. e.g. laying of pipelines / NOC for petrol pumps / laying telephone cables/construction of C.D. works / NOC for theatre, etc. ?
2. How and where can I get information for ‘Currently Invited Tenders’ in P.W.D.?
3. What are the rules for ‘Reservation’ and how can I get the list of ‘Rest Houses’ with the address?
4. What are the rules and eligibility criteria for different classes of ‘Registration’ for contractors?
5. Where are the P.W.D. ‘Laboratories’ located and which Quality Control tests are conducted therein?
6. By whom and in what manner the different complaints regarding the ‘Building Maintenance’ are dealt?
7. What are the various standards for ‘Land width, Building line, and Control line’ for different categories of roads?
8. What are the various measures being taken by P.W.D. to minimize the ‘Accidents on Roads’?
9. What are the various concessions given to ‘Labor Co-operative Societies---’?
10. What are the various concessions given to ‘Unemployed Engineers’?
11. What are the objectives and targets of the ‘Road Development Plan’ in Maharashtra?
12. What is the surfaces breakup of ‘Total Road Length’ in Maharashtra?
13. What is the scheme for connecting ‘Villages and Harijan Bastis’ by all-weather roads/fair weather roads in Maharashtra?
14. Do you want to know the distance‘ between 2 districts in ’ Maharashtra State?
1) What is the procedure for ‘permission to install a Lift ’ and License to operate the Lift?
2) What is the procedure for grant of Manufacturer's certificate regarding electrical appliances?