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Error message

  • Warning: : failed to open stream: Invalid argument in _registry_check_code() (line 3469 of D:\Accessibility_Web\pwd.maharashtra.gov.in\PWD\includes\bootstrap.inc).
  • Warning: include_once(): Failed opening 'D:\Accessibility_Web\pwd.maharashtra.gov.in\PWD/sites/all/modules/context/plugins/context_reaction_br�9���>`��nc' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\php\pear') in _registry_check_code() (line 3469 of D:\Accessibility_Web\pwd.maharashtra.gov.in\PWD\includes\bootstrap.inc).



Although information and contents of various Divisions on this website have been put with care and diligence, PWD does not take responsibility for how this information is used or the consequences of its use. In case of any inconsistency/ confusion, the user should contact the concerned Division/ Officer of PWD for further clarifications.

This website is brought to you by the PWD. While surfing through this site you will come across directories and links to Government and Private Organizations. The contents of these sites are not to be construed as a responsibility of or endorsement by the PWD and are owned by the respective organizations which may be contacted for any further information or suggestion.

The content in all language is simultaneously updated, irrespective of language constraint default language is displayed where such content is not translated.